"Why don't we see miracles today, the way they did in the Bible?" This question is often asked by both believers and skeptics alike. What people mean is not the miracle of salvation - but miracles like what we see in the Bible - the lame walking, the blind seeing etc.. As I get older, I am starting to beleive that we d see miracles every day - we just don't take note of them or remember them. So, I a starting to take note and I want to document a few of these miracles.
1. Last November, my mom had a suspicious "spot" on her mammogram. The doctors were concerned and scheduled and biopsy. Everyone started praying hard that this would not be cancer. When she went in for the biopsy, the doctors spent a long time before even cutting her. They looked perplexed. They rechecked the film that showed the spot. They looked again at her current reading. "We can't find the spot," they exclaimed. It was completely GONE!
2. My friend Nancy was infertile for 20 years. During that time, she and her husband adopted 7 kids! At age 41, her closed womb suddenly opened and she was pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy! Everyone was amazed by the miracle. Then, at age 43, she got pregnant again and delivered another healthy baby boy! Everyone was even more amazed. Then last year, at age FORTY-SEVEN, that's right 47, she got pregnant and delivered another healthy baby boy!!!!! This after being completely infertile for years. As you know, most women with a history of good fertility can't get pregnant at age 47!
3. Twice in my life, I have had the honor of praying for people and see them healed - immediately. Once in a Brazilian favela (slum). Another time, when a lady at my church had baffled the doctors for 2 years. They couldn't figure out how to treat her debilitating illness. But, God healed both of these people.
What about you? Can you document any miracles? THINK and remember. It can be so easy to forget and not recount they times that God has intervened. It can be so easy to see a miracle and then go on with life as usual. Let's remember the times when God intervenes.
being that lady from your church with a debilitating illness... I'm so very grateful for your faith and your friendship and for God's continued and active presence. I can personally testify, yes! God does still perform healing miracles today :) I'm walking and speaking and thinking clearly today because of his loving and undeserved healing power. And I have two precious children now that we were told may never happen. That's three miracles for me!