Friday, October 30, 2015

Questions Quenched

I was one of those "why" kids?  Why is there poverty?  Why do mean people seem to get ahead?  Why is there racism? Why?  Why?  WHY??????  In fact, one of my favorite songs was even entitled "Why?".  It was by folk singer Tracy Chapman.  Here are the lyrics:

Why do the babies starve
When there's enough food to feed the world
Why when there're so many of us
Are there people still alone

Why are the missiles called peace keepers

When they're aimed to kill

Why is a woman still not safe

When she's in her home

Love is hate

War is peace
No is yes
And we're all free

But somebody's gonna have to answer

The time is coming soon
Amidst all these questions and contradictions
There're some who seek the truth

As a teenager, I was one of those Truth Seekers.  And something amazing happened to me.  I came to have a relationship with the Truth.  The Truth told me that the world is a dark place.  And that mankind has rebelled against the Truth.  This is WHY there is so much injustice in the world.  The Truth also told me that He is The Way and The Life. And that this world is not as it was intended because of humanity's rejection of His Way.

So, now I don't ask "why" quite as much.  Ironically, I have been trying to figure out WHY I don't ask why.  I still have a passion for truth and justice.  I still care about reasons behind things.  But, I have this unshakable faith in a God who is bigger than the WHY.  Bigger than tragedy.  A God who is PRESENT Always.  A God who is PERSONAL.

Yesterday, I stumbled across a C.S. Lewis quote on Facebook that perfectly sums up WHY I don't ask WHY anymore.  It is from one of my favorite books, Til We Have Faces.  Here it is:

I know now, Lord, 
why you utter no answer. 
You are yourself the answer. 
Before your face questions die away. 
What other answer would suffice? 

These words perfectly summarize my feelings.  His PERSONAL PRESENCE.  Jesus.  He really is the answer. Knowing Him suffices.  If you don't know Him,  this answer sounds trite.  But if you know Him, you are sometimes just left dumb-founded and awe-inspired and comforted and amazed, and ultimately, question-less in His presence.

Yeah - before His face, I have no questions.  I have peace and joy and love indescribable.  Questions are quenched, because He, himself, is the answer.

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